Are you thinking you might want to sell your used car for cash to an auto recycler? Unlike other commonly recycled materials (like plastics), many varieties of metals have the ability to be recycled ad infinitum—they retain their properties throughout the recycling process. Through retrieval of scrap metal from end-of-life products, metal recyclers are able to re-introduce the recycled metal as raw material, which can then be manufactured into new goods.
One of the most important benefits of recycling scrap metal is that it’s a material that does not depreciate, making scrap metal recycling a wholly sustainable practice. Because of its reusable nature, recycling scrap metal allows us to preserve some of the world’s finite resources, maximizing their use while also reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Recycling one tonne of steel ultimately conserves 2,500 pounds of iron ore.
Recycling scrap metal conserves energy and the costs associated with mining operations, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing metal goods from raw ore. When scrap metal such as aluminum is recycled and reused, 4460 kilojoules of energy is saved as a result. Additionally, 354 kilotonnes of CO₂ production is prevented through recycling aluminum.
If it’s an old car you want to scrap, then we will take care of everything – from removing batteries and fluid to extracting all the ferrous metals before it is recycled. Contact us when you’re ready to sell your used car for cash.